Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Time Management

I usually get up around 6:00 to 6:30 a.m. and go to bed about 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. I have never been a really good time manager apparently, because I struggle getting things done in any given day. My husband teases that I have A.D.D as well as O.C.D. I am a pro at multitasking and can have any number of things in my hand on a mission through the house, depositing, transferring,and accomplishing. I NOTICE what needs done and it will not happen unless I make it happen. I've donated so many things over the years to the "pass it on" shops in the attempt to "de-clutter" my surroundings. I am NOT at all a nick knack person, so it's not like I have a lot of extra objects to just look at but for some reason I can never have enough space... Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am a bit claustrophobic. I really like seeing my floors! ANYWAY, I am getting a new-to-me embroidery machine that belonged to my late sister. I am super excited and yet a bit nervous at the same time. I am giving a pretty penny for this machine and want to make money back to put back into our savings and I am giving myself two years to do it. So this is where as of late, I am even more determined to have a better time management plan so that I can still take the best care of my family and have a small business goal. This a.m after waking, I felt stiff so I forced myself to get in about a twenty or so minute workout, ate breakfast, fixed hubby's lunch, hung and folded the laundry that I didn't get into the dryer until late last night, stripped our bed to wash the linens today, (still needing dried as I write), vacuumed the upstairs two rooms, added the ingredients for the sour dough bread that I set out last night for it to go through the first rising, washed the dishes and thought about my routine and how I'm so tired at night that my blog writing is getting neglected and that I really need to make time in the mornings to check e-mails, blog and work on setting up the online shop. Here it is already 10:30 and I haven't gotten into my sewing room yet. I'm sure it will all work out and after my learning curve on this new machine, I will start with Christmas and then move on to planning for next years agenda. I just wish that I could make more time to connect with others who are making their home businesses work. I will squeeze in some time to seek. Happy Tuesday, Oh and Graceful Acceptance couldn't be more appropriate to my life because I am in constant reminding that everything happens in God's time and I have chosen to accept those things with as much grace as I can.

Friday, October 4, 2013


I've spent a great amount of time in my little studio this past week. I have a family reunion this weekend including a memorial to my all too recently late sister. I had started a fabric collage book for our Mother before I visited my sister a couple weeks ago. She never got to see it and I am bound and determined to get it finished for this memorial/reunion. I know she would have loved it. As soon as I am able I will post pictures. It is good and therapeutic to have a creative release with my sister watching over me. She has always been a great inspiration to me. I am feeling blessed.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

In Memory of My Mom... for me: My Sister

This was put together by my nieces and I wanted to include it. My sister was the most creative, remarkable, kind, soft spoken, gentle person that I've ever known. At the end of this video are some of her beautiful paintings as well as some quilts that she made. I have many wall quilts and table mats and things that she has given me through the years. They make me so happy to have them. She has taught me so very many neat things about painting and quilting and today, I worked all day in my sewing room just thinking about how patient she was and what an inspiration to me she will always be. God truly Blessed my life having her in it. Enjoy!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Hole in My Heart

It has been a few days and I'm probably still not ready to be posting yet. I had very recently sent a link to my blog to my sister. This was the very first person who I sent a link to. I am usually a very "private" person and wanted a very inspirational and highly respected "close" person to share it with and my sister would have understood where I wanted to take my blog eventually. She passed away Tuesday night. I don't know if she got a chance to view it or what she thought of it. So many things are missed and so many memories to hold tight to. I feel like I've been in a sort of whirl wind. It was only three months ago that she was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic cancer that spread also quickly to her liver. This was someone who barely suffered from a head cold so it was so sudden for our family. There is no one as kind, patient, creative and inspirational as she was to me and all who knew her. I give so much credit to her for any creativity that I possess. What an inspiration she will forever be to me.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Loving Life

I have been working on a fabric collage book for my Mother and although have seen lots of photos of these, have never attempted one before this. I am using a lot of antique and newer lace, fabrics and some photos and it is quite lovely and unique. I guess that's how they come about; adding and arranging along the whole creative way until it becomes what it will.

I was so excited to take a huge initiative in getting the guest room turned into "MY" little design studio and creative space. It is a few weeks later and I still get excited when I go in there. Hence it has become a bit more difficult for me to post as often as I had planned. The hammered dulcimer that my hubby gave me for my birthday, didn't help with any extra time either. Although, I fear my worse dilemma may be the lack of photo capturing to add of projects and things to share. I will slip this one in quickly!

While I love blogging and wish for correspondence with like-minds, I know perhaps it will take time to get discovered and have enough valid worthwhile posts for repeat readers. For this, I am anxious! I am amazed at just how much time getting a blog up and running has taken for me and yet, I'm okay with that for I am a patient person. Others I have read, say that it didn't happen overnight for them either, so perseverance onward.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I thought that I would go through and organize some photos that I wanted to post as well as getting started individual boxes for each of our grown kids. For me, getting my new creative space to work in was quite the accomplishment so a pat on the back for getting as far as I have with all the other things going on. I love my new space and have worked a little on some projects here and there with intentions of going into it full force soon.

Well, today is my Birthday and my absolutely amazing husband went out and found a Hammered Dulcimer for me! Wow!

No, I don't know how to play it yet, but have always wanted one and am a determined person, so it will sound beautiful some day!

The dilemma is... that I have to now make time to practice without getting so involved that I don't get my work done.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Still finding my way around

I'm so thankful for some of the blogs that are so helpful when it comes to design and layouts. I am still struggling to find time to work on filling in some of my blanks. By the time I get to really get into any computer work is usually at the end of the day when I'm already tired so am thankful just to get a few lines written.

On the plus side, I have been getting my new work space set up and am becoming quite pleased with the multiple work stations that I've been arranging for all of the creative upcoming jobs. It will make it much nicer to work with the room that I have now.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just wanted to add some photos of a few of my favorite collectibles that just lay around my house and make me happy!

A tarnished baby cup and utensils that go right along with all of the baby shoes that I collect. An old box that I use to keep some of my tatting thread in. And a doily that some dear lady tediously crochet many years in the past.

 The old apple peeler still works and I often think that the "new and improved" tools are rarely ever as useful as those first invented.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Drooling over shops again

 As I look around at other Blogs and drool, I get very anxious about posting some pictures and sharing what I feel others with the same interest would appreciate. I feel the need to apologize for not having more content yet. I do hope those who have viewed will bookmark and come back for a visit.

We all know how busy our lives get when all we really want to do is go junquing, design or decorate, create and just live in our little wonder-worlds. Ho hum... still dreamy from looking at other beautifully designed blogs and wish I could snap my fingers and make mine what my heart desires!

Today shall be busy and so I shall return!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nostalgic Photos

I've changed the header above several times in the past few days. I think I may keep this one at least until I have more time to play with the graphics programs. The photos are my own. I think the old doily and baby shoes against the barn wood and box gives me the feel of the nostalgia that I'm looking to share.

Yesterday morning, I spent the first four hours after and during my coffee-time, baking oatmeal cookies, peanut butter cookies and a chocolate pudding cake. While the oven was on, I wanted to get as much done to share with family members that I will be seeing this weekend. Even if I wasn't visiting, it always seems a bit of a weekend-time-saver, if I get some of the cooking out of the way ahead of time. The temperatures have been in the mid fifties at night and upper seventies in the daytime, so with that chill in the air, I do get in the mood for sort of "nesting" activities.

Grandkids in Mo. started their first day of school for this term. The year will finish out quickly, I'm sure. Before we know it we will be planning Thanksgiving & Christmas as it seems once school is in session, it all goes so fast.

I'm so anxious to meet some of you who have the same interests. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2nd Drawing in 2 weeks

I've been busily working on creating this blog and although I am not all that fluent with all of its features, I am managing. I've learned a lot in the last few "quiet" days that I have had. Concentrating on me doesn't come all too often.
Also, I would like to share another drawing that I have been working on. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I have put into motion some ideas that have been long suppressed. Two drawings in two weeks is pretty exciting for me. I may just finally be on the roll that I've practically been tasting for some time!

It is a drawing of a little collection that I actually have hanging in my kitchen. I know that it is a bit light and that style is something that I will try and work on in future drawings. I usually don't have a heavy hand with a pencil, so it is difficult for me to perfect gradient. As of late, it is just so important for me to get these drawings started and work on them in any free time available.

Thanks for viewing and please leave a comment if you'd like.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Grand Dad's Baby Shoes

What beautiful weather we are having in the mid-west. It feels like a precursor into Autumn and really gets my creative juices flowing. The sounds and smells in the mornings from where I sit on the front porch and drink my coffee, are so refreshing and inspirational. Its a great start to my days!

I have picked up the pencil again and have finished a drawing for my sister in-law. (If she wants it.) I collect baby shoes and recently she brought a pair that belonged to my late Father in-law, her Father. The thoughtful gesture from her made me weep with both excitement and sentiment. I was truly touched and absolutely love the little worn black shoes. They seem to be filled with long ago memories and I can practically hear the giggles and coos.

So I decided to construct a little composition and draw the little vignette. It is done strictly with one Mirado Black Warrior HB2 pencil.

This drawing was a lot of fun for me and already, I am anxious to start another. My husband who is an illustrator and graphics designer is known to say that you can solve most of the worlds problems with just a pencil. Using this medium sure made me happy!

I hope somebody will take a look and give me some feedback. I never realized how time consuming blogging can be and finding all the special links and connections to get out there and get noticed is not as easy as I thought that it would be when I first started this. I do try to take time every day or so, to learn more about the special features, etc. But busy lives are stretched sometimes and I am a patient soul.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Grandbaby

We've known about our newest Grandbaby since very early into the pregnancy and are very excited about it. We shared a phone call this evening with our daughter in-law and learned of the gender. We now know that we are having a girl! No doubt this baby will be cherished (not using the word "spoiled") as are the first five grandkids. Children are such Blessings and I believe they keep us young. Witnessing them grow and seeing the individuality in each is simply amazing.

I'm looking forward to the up-coming farm life activities. The honey is needing to be extracted and there's tomatoes that are ripening quickly. I will be appreciating the work-up in the kitchen and am always very pleased when the larder gets stocked. The price of groceries lately have been strangely astronomical and there's very little said about why. Although we know the obvious reasons, it just seems a bit unusual when in one segment of the newscast we listen to, the report is on starving kids in the community having to rely solely on food banks and the free school lunches and the next segment is about profits. I'd be interested in hearing one about the waste that goes unmentioned.

 Continue to pray for those less fortunate!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I could easily be here all day and into the next (week), explaining all that my life has been included in since I last posted. As interesting as it was and while through all of our blessings and adventures etc., certainly deems worthy of documenting, I will just move onto making myself simply write again.

I love to create altered art, one-of-a-kind gifts and any number of pleasing and hopefully useful home decor items that I believe somebody will love. Finding the time all to myself to just create is sometimes a difficult endeavor for me and often-times, I will get frustrated because I get pulled into other directions, instead of getting to do what I want to do. I wonder sometimes if it is God teaching me patience.

I tell myself that anything that I accomplish in any given day, should be regarded as a true Blessing and nothing less. The ideas keep coming and although they don't always get put to a physical faze, as long as they come, it's good. Most of them do get drawn or written out, sometimes scratched on a scrap of whatever paper is in front of me, even if I lose it anyway, at least it was an attempt. I could probably just make a book of the ideas that I get and make a living off of the book. I wouldn't have to do the work... maybe just a prototype, as I usually don't have patience to make quantities. I am more of a one-of-a-kind person because there are just too many things that I want to try. Which leads me to...

Does anyone ever have the problem of never having enough supplies to create with? I can have a whole barn full of "stuff" and still not be satisfied. Especially now that I've been loving the mixed media and altered art. If I never had to come in and take care of the family, I would be elbow deep in art stuff from the time I wake till the time I sleep. Reality check!

It's good to be here again, but it's time to go create while I have good light coming in through windows!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Still Winter

Our measure of this "snow emergency" is 9.5". Hubby got the day off and spent about an hour blading out our driveway. I took the dog and the camera out for picture taking but it was difficult to get my camera to cooperate with gloves on and those little tiny buttons. It was really more fun just playing with the dog. He absolutely loves the snow.

I built a blueberry/strawberry mix cheesecake pie this morning and it turned out scrumptious. I had some crust leftover so I chopped up two apples and made a miniature fritter sort of thing with it. I love being snowed in. I tend to get creative and my survival mode sort of kicks in. I find and use up every little left-over and turn them into any little treat I can think of. My Mom taught me that.

There were ten of us kids and Mom would stretch the smallest amount of ingredients to make some elaborate and very satisfying meal with absolutely no complaints from any of us. I love what I've learned from my Mom as well as from her Mother, my Grandmother.

I also planted some heirloom tomato seeds and some lavender seed this morning. I have one of those portable four shelf miniature greenhouse units. It comes in handy this time of year for starting my seeds. I get rather anxious this time of year and the smell of soil gives me an awesome burst of energy. I use to raise worms and loved the smell they kicked up. I don't have the room for them anymore so I  let them all go and make their happy homes in my flower gardens.

Here is a photo of two of our little ladies who obviously aren't fond of this weather. The other is of ironweed. If those little garden fairies are still around this time of the year, I'd like to think these little snowcones are a treat for them.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gift Show

It is January 27, 2013 ALREADY. Time sure flies when your having fun!!
The Holiday Gift Show has long since come and gone. I did manage to fill a booth and enjoyed being back in the excitement of sales. (Compliments were awesome, too). The couch did get finished. The garden provided an ample amount of produce in spite of the drought. Birthdays, Christmas, a couple weddings, among many other family affairs are all beautiful memories. I can't believe how time seems to just get away from me.

The studio and exercise room that was in the basement that I had previously posted about, has long since been changed again. My beautiful Mother 'n law has been diagnosed with Alzheimer/dementia and will be moving in with us so that we can do our best to give her the care and attention we feel she needs. We have done a complete remodel and turned the whole basement into an apartment for her. It has turned out beautiful with only a few more fine tuned projects left before it is ready for her move. This alone has been quite a project to see through and in doing so, I've re-arranged a lot of household "stuff" in order to make it work. Donation centers are awesome and it doesn't bother me a bit to be rid of excess bulk not needed. Why we brought so much "stuff" home through the years, is bewildering.

My latest project is down-sizing my crafty junk. I've dabbled in too many different art forms and feel the need to pin-point only one (or two) projects. Or at least just one project at a time. My problem is that I like creating things and am like a child when given all the "goodies" to play with. I am now giving tons of stuff away... first to my daughter, and then to whomever wants it. I have been helping hubby with computer generated graphics for his business and have had to focus on learning the software. I love doing it, but I will still always love getting my hands into physical art forms too. In saying that, my craft/guest room will be where I put that must-have treadmill that got moved up to the barn along with my exercise bike and stationary weight machine. There's no room for the stationary, but I can make room for my bike!

Okay, for now I feel that I have somewhat caught back up. I hope all is well out there.