Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I could easily be here all day and into the next (week), explaining all that my life has been included in since I last posted. As interesting as it was and while through all of our blessings and adventures etc., certainly deems worthy of documenting, I will just move onto making myself simply write again.

I love to create altered art, one-of-a-kind gifts and any number of pleasing and hopefully useful home decor items that I believe somebody will love. Finding the time all to myself to just create is sometimes a difficult endeavor for me and often-times, I will get frustrated because I get pulled into other directions, instead of getting to do what I want to do. I wonder sometimes if it is God teaching me patience.

I tell myself that anything that I accomplish in any given day, should be regarded as a true Blessing and nothing less. The ideas keep coming and although they don't always get put to a physical faze, as long as they come, it's good. Most of them do get drawn or written out, sometimes scratched on a scrap of whatever paper is in front of me, even if I lose it anyway, at least it was an attempt. I could probably just make a book of the ideas that I get and make a living off of the book. I wouldn't have to do the work... maybe just a prototype, as I usually don't have patience to make quantities. I am more of a one-of-a-kind person because there are just too many things that I want to try. Which leads me to...

Does anyone ever have the problem of never having enough supplies to create with? I can have a whole barn full of "stuff" and still not be satisfied. Especially now that I've been loving the mixed media and altered art. If I never had to come in and take care of the family, I would be elbow deep in art stuff from the time I wake till the time I sleep. Reality check!

It's good to be here again, but it's time to go create while I have good light coming in through windows!