Saturday, August 10, 2013

Grand Dad's Baby Shoes

What beautiful weather we are having in the mid-west. It feels like a precursor into Autumn and really gets my creative juices flowing. The sounds and smells in the mornings from where I sit on the front porch and drink my coffee, are so refreshing and inspirational. Its a great start to my days!

I have picked up the pencil again and have finished a drawing for my sister in-law. (If she wants it.) I collect baby shoes and recently she brought a pair that belonged to my late Father in-law, her Father. The thoughtful gesture from her made me weep with both excitement and sentiment. I was truly touched and absolutely love the little worn black shoes. They seem to be filled with long ago memories and I can practically hear the giggles and coos.

So I decided to construct a little composition and draw the little vignette. It is done strictly with one Mirado Black Warrior HB2 pencil.

This drawing was a lot of fun for me and already, I am anxious to start another. My husband who is an illustrator and graphics designer is known to say that you can solve most of the worlds problems with just a pencil. Using this medium sure made me happy!

I hope somebody will take a look and give me some feedback. I never realized how time consuming blogging can be and finding all the special links and connections to get out there and get noticed is not as easy as I thought that it would be when I first started this. I do try to take time every day or so, to learn more about the special features, etc. But busy lives are stretched sometimes and I am a patient soul.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Hi Tina, You've created a lovely vignette and your drawing is just fabulous! The details of the doilies are amazing!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Thank you Julia. You are very kind and I hope to add more creations along the way. I do hope you'll visit again!
