Wednesday, November 19, 2014

On a Healthy Path by Detoxing First

 What if you could start fresh?

On my journey for a healthier me, I have been looking around for a more "appealing" way to detox my body. Someone from my Essential Oil group put this link on social media and I had to check it out. I looked at all the ingredients and like what I see. The ingredients are always important to me, because I believe the whole process will work better if you actually like whatever it is you are attempting, especially when it's an attempt to become healthier.

 The ingredients may be a little challenging because, one; they may not be in season and two; they may be a bit pricy depending on the season. That should not really matter a whole lot if your goals need to be reached. In other words, it should be worth it to you!

So here is the link to a 48 hour cleansing.

I would love to hear if you try it and how it made you feel.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Homemade Household Products

I have been on a mission for the better part of my life to remain as "natural" as possible. In this past year, I have become almost obsessed with finding ways to rid our household of toxins.

In looking back through the rapidly passing years, I'm appalled by how easily society has become so gullible to marketed poisonous products. Anytime the advertisements get "new and improved", bigger, brighter, faster or taller, etc... people jump right off the cliff and into the pit of suckers.

I am so thankful for my Mother who raised ten children on a very meek budget, and taught us how to keep our lives unadulterated by advertisements. Shielding us wasn't necessarily on purpose, it was out of practicality. A lot of things within our household were home made and simply not wasted. Mother certainly was a pro at stretching a dollar and I fortunately have retained those lessons.

I will try to link up to blogs with similar useful household ingredients and such along the way and will include some of my own as time permits. Until next time, here is a link to the newest that I found!

This is a link to Jilly's Blog that I found very appealing.

Breathing freshness,

Monday, November 17, 2014

Pinata for Chickens

In the winter when the chickens are all cooped up and bored with nothing to do, we like to make pinatas for them. We've heard that giving them extra activities to do, when they can't get out to free-range, will help them from going bonkers and even in some cases, from going cannibalistic. Here is a little recipe for a home made treat.

Put 2 cups of their scratch grains into a large bowl and add 1 cup of rolled oats, 1 cup of cornmeal, a hand full of raisins or blueberries, cranberries or other small berry, 3/4 cup molasses or honey or mix half each, 3 or 4 eggs and 1/2 cup of beef tallow or lard. Mix it all up and put it in a couple greased pans, I used bread pans.
Bake at 375 for about 25 minutes or so. You'll want it to be firm in the center so they don't just rip it apart. I like for it to last at least a day or so.

I will be making up a batch tomorrow so hopefully remembering to take some photos to share. I will be trying to put a whole in one end so that I can hang it for them to peck at.

We also hang a head of cabbage by sticking a screw into the core and hanging that from above. They love it.

Pinatas make for happy chickens, I hope you will try it for yours!

Still Got Eggs in this Bitter Cold!

Today was bitter cold. Thank God for wood for the fireplace and vegetables to make a most nutritious soup for supper!

I dug out coveralls out of storage this morning. I didn't realize we would need them this early in the year. Stepping out on the porch to get a few pieces of firewood, I realized that I needed the extra protection before the dog and I went to give the chickens a treat of leftover scraps and to make sure the animal's water wasn't frozen.

I decided to get some blood moving and walked down to the mailbox while I was already bundled. I felt exerted by the time I walked back up the hill and was thinking how all the extra attire seamed to weigh me down. It'd been a few days (or so) since I got any real exercise and obviously it was needed!

I carried three arm loads of wood in from the wood shed when I got back and that was all enough for me! It's funny how much more lazy I feel when it turns colder. It's harder to get out from under those warm blankets in the morning, too.

The girls gave me four eggs today! The youngest are finally deciding to lay and it couldn't be too soon. I wish we would have butchered earlier and gotten more chicks early on. Maybe we'll be better prepared next year. For now, we are thankful for their offerings.

Love and Warmth,