Monday, September 30, 2013

Hole in My Heart

It has been a few days and I'm probably still not ready to be posting yet. I had very recently sent a link to my blog to my sister. This was the very first person who I sent a link to. I am usually a very "private" person and wanted a very inspirational and highly respected "close" person to share it with and my sister would have understood where I wanted to take my blog eventually. She passed away Tuesday night. I don't know if she got a chance to view it or what she thought of it. So many things are missed and so many memories to hold tight to. I feel like I've been in a sort of whirl wind. It was only three months ago that she was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic cancer that spread also quickly to her liver. This was someone who barely suffered from a head cold so it was so sudden for our family. There is no one as kind, patient, creative and inspirational as she was to me and all who knew her. I give so much credit to her for any creativity that I possess. What an inspiration she will forever be to me.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Loving Life

I have been working on a fabric collage book for my Mother and although have seen lots of photos of these, have never attempted one before this. I am using a lot of antique and newer lace, fabrics and some photos and it is quite lovely and unique. I guess that's how they come about; adding and arranging along the whole creative way until it becomes what it will.

I was so excited to take a huge initiative in getting the guest room turned into "MY" little design studio and creative space. It is a few weeks later and I still get excited when I go in there. Hence it has become a bit more difficult for me to post as often as I had planned. The hammered dulcimer that my hubby gave me for my birthday, didn't help with any extra time either. Although, I fear my worse dilemma may be the lack of photo capturing to add of projects and things to share. I will slip this one in quickly!

While I love blogging and wish for correspondence with like-minds, I know perhaps it will take time to get discovered and have enough valid worthwhile posts for repeat readers. For this, I am anxious! I am amazed at just how much time getting a blog up and running has taken for me and yet, I'm okay with that for I am a patient person. Others I have read, say that it didn't happen overnight for them either, so perseverance onward.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I thought that I would go through and organize some photos that I wanted to post as well as getting started individual boxes for each of our grown kids. For me, getting my new creative space to work in was quite the accomplishment so a pat on the back for getting as far as I have with all the other things going on. I love my new space and have worked a little on some projects here and there with intentions of going into it full force soon.

Well, today is my Birthday and my absolutely amazing husband went out and found a Hammered Dulcimer for me! Wow!

No, I don't know how to play it yet, but have always wanted one and am a determined person, so it will sound beautiful some day!

The dilemma is... that I have to now make time to practice without getting so involved that I don't get my work done.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Still finding my way around

I'm so thankful for some of the blogs that are so helpful when it comes to design and layouts. I am still struggling to find time to work on filling in some of my blanks. By the time I get to really get into any computer work is usually at the end of the day when I'm already tired so am thankful just to get a few lines written.

On the plus side, I have been getting my new work space set up and am becoming quite pleased with the multiple work stations that I've been arranging for all of the creative upcoming jobs. It will make it much nicer to work with the room that I have now.