Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just wanted to add some photos of a few of my favorite collectibles that just lay around my house and make me happy!

A tarnished baby cup and utensils that go right along with all of the baby shoes that I collect. An old box that I use to keep some of my tatting thread in. And a doily that some dear lady tediously crochet many years in the past.

 The old apple peeler still works and I often think that the "new and improved" tools are rarely ever as useful as those first invented.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Drooling over shops again

 As I look around at other Blogs and drool, I get very anxious about posting some pictures and sharing what I feel others with the same interest would appreciate. I feel the need to apologize for not having more content yet. I do hope those who have viewed will bookmark and come back for a visit.

We all know how busy our lives get when all we really want to do is go junquing, design or decorate, create and just live in our little wonder-worlds. Ho hum... still dreamy from looking at other beautifully designed blogs and wish I could snap my fingers and make mine what my heart desires!

Today shall be busy and so I shall return!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nostalgic Photos

I've changed the header above several times in the past few days. I think I may keep this one at least until I have more time to play with the graphics programs. The photos are my own. I think the old doily and baby shoes against the barn wood and box gives me the feel of the nostalgia that I'm looking to share.

Yesterday morning, I spent the first four hours after and during my coffee-time, baking oatmeal cookies, peanut butter cookies and a chocolate pudding cake. While the oven was on, I wanted to get as much done to share with family members that I will be seeing this weekend. Even if I wasn't visiting, it always seems a bit of a weekend-time-saver, if I get some of the cooking out of the way ahead of time. The temperatures have been in the mid fifties at night and upper seventies in the daytime, so with that chill in the air, I do get in the mood for sort of "nesting" activities.

Grandkids in Mo. started their first day of school for this term. The year will finish out quickly, I'm sure. Before we know it we will be planning Thanksgiving & Christmas as it seems once school is in session, it all goes so fast.

I'm so anxious to meet some of you who have the same interests. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2nd Drawing in 2 weeks

I've been busily working on creating this blog and although I am not all that fluent with all of its features, I am managing. I've learned a lot in the last few "quiet" days that I have had. Concentrating on me doesn't come all too often.
Also, I would like to share another drawing that I have been working on. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I have put into motion some ideas that have been long suppressed. Two drawings in two weeks is pretty exciting for me. I may just finally be on the roll that I've practically been tasting for some time!

It is a drawing of a little collection that I actually have hanging in my kitchen. I know that it is a bit light and that style is something that I will try and work on in future drawings. I usually don't have a heavy hand with a pencil, so it is difficult for me to perfect gradient. As of late, it is just so important for me to get these drawings started and work on them in any free time available.

Thanks for viewing and please leave a comment if you'd like.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Grand Dad's Baby Shoes

What beautiful weather we are having in the mid-west. It feels like a precursor into Autumn and really gets my creative juices flowing. The sounds and smells in the mornings from where I sit on the front porch and drink my coffee, are so refreshing and inspirational. Its a great start to my days!

I have picked up the pencil again and have finished a drawing for my sister in-law. (If she wants it.) I collect baby shoes and recently she brought a pair that belonged to my late Father in-law, her Father. The thoughtful gesture from her made me weep with both excitement and sentiment. I was truly touched and absolutely love the little worn black shoes. They seem to be filled with long ago memories and I can practically hear the giggles and coos.

So I decided to construct a little composition and draw the little vignette. It is done strictly with one Mirado Black Warrior HB2 pencil.

This drawing was a lot of fun for me and already, I am anxious to start another. My husband who is an illustrator and graphics designer is known to say that you can solve most of the worlds problems with just a pencil. Using this medium sure made me happy!

I hope somebody will take a look and give me some feedback. I never realized how time consuming blogging can be and finding all the special links and connections to get out there and get noticed is not as easy as I thought that it would be when I first started this. I do try to take time every day or so, to learn more about the special features, etc. But busy lives are stretched sometimes and I am a patient soul.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Grandbaby

We've known about our newest Grandbaby since very early into the pregnancy and are very excited about it. We shared a phone call this evening with our daughter in-law and learned of the gender. We now know that we are having a girl! No doubt this baby will be cherished (not using the word "spoiled") as are the first five grandkids. Children are such Blessings and I believe they keep us young. Witnessing them grow and seeing the individuality in each is simply amazing.

I'm looking forward to the up-coming farm life activities. The honey is needing to be extracted and there's tomatoes that are ripening quickly. I will be appreciating the work-up in the kitchen and am always very pleased when the larder gets stocked. The price of groceries lately have been strangely astronomical and there's very little said about why. Although we know the obvious reasons, it just seems a bit unusual when in one segment of the newscast we listen to, the report is on starving kids in the community having to rely solely on food banks and the free school lunches and the next segment is about profits. I'd be interested in hearing one about the waste that goes unmentioned.

 Continue to pray for those less fortunate!